How To Style Permed Hair In The First 48 Hours

How To Style Permed Hair In The First 48 Hours

The first 48 hours after getting a perm mark a critical phase in your haircare routine. This time is when your hair’s chemical bonds are still settling into their new curly or wavy design. The decisions and steps you take throughout these first two days can significantly impact the endurance and quality of your performance. Understanding how to style permed hair in the first 48 hours is essential to getting the best results.

II. Understanding the Perm Process

Before we explore into the specifics of styling, let’s briefly explain the perm process. When you get a perm, your hair is exposed to chemicals that break down its natural bonds. These bonds are then reconstructed to create the wish-for-curl design. The first 48 hours following this process are generally referred to as the “setting” period. During this time, your hair is particularly soft, and the curls are still taking shape or condition. Handling your hair with care and keeping away from certain practices is crucial to ensuring that your new curls are set beautifully.

III. Dos for Styling Permed Hair in the First 48 Hours

  1. Handle with Care: Your newly permed hair requires gentle treatment. Avoid vigorous brushing or combing, as it can disrupt the curl shaping. Instead, use your fingers to delicately separate and style your curls.
  2. Opt for a Wide-Tooth Comb: If you must untangle your hair, reach for a wide-tooth comb. Begin at the tips and proceed without hurrying, making sure your curls aren’t snagged or pulled.
  3. Use a Leave-In Conditioner: Permed hair tends to be drier than normal, so it’s important to keep it moisturized. Apply a lightweight leave-in conditioner to lock in moisture and add shine to your curls.
  4. Scrunch for Definition: To accentuate the definition of your curls, gently scrunch your hair while it’s still wet. You can also use a curl-defining product for extra hold and bounce.
  5. Air Dry: For the first 48 hours, air dry your hair. Heat styling tools can damage your freshly permed locks, so let your hair dry naturally. If time is limited, you can use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer, setting it to a low heat setting.
  6. Say No to Conventional Hair Ties: Traditional hair ties with metal or plastic components can clog and break your curls. Instead, use soft cloth hair ties or scrunchies to secure hair when needed.
  7. Silk Pillowcases: Sleeping on a silk pillowcase can reduce friction and prevent your curls from becoming frizzy while you sleep. Alternatively, you can wrap your hair in a silk scarf for extra protection.
  8. Protect from the Elements: Rain, wind, and extreme humidity can affect your fresh hair. Consider using a lightweight, curl-friendly hair spray or serum to protect your curls from these environmental factors.

IV. Don’ts for Styling Permed Hair in the First 48 Hours

  1. Avoid Washing: Resist the urge to wash your hair for 48 hours after a perm. Chemicals need time to set, and washing too soon can cause curls to loosen prematurely.
  2. Steer Clear of Heat Styling: Stay away from flat irons, curling irons, and hot rollers during this time. Excessive heat can weaken the newly formed bonds in your hair, causing your curls to lose their shape.
  3. Avoid Tight Hairstyles: Tight ponytails or braids can put unnecessary pressure on your curls and affect their texture. Instead, choose a soft and relaxed hairstyle.
  4. Minimize Product Use: While it’s okay to use a light leave-in conditioner or curl-enhancing product, don’t load your hair with styling products for the first 48 hours. Too much product can weigh down your curls and distort their shape.
  5. Stay Away from Chlorine Pools: Chlorine can be incredibly damaging to your hair. Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools during this period, or if you must, wear a swimming cap to protect your curls.
  6. Don’t Fiddle Too Much: Constantly touching your hair can transfer oil from your hands, potentially irritating. Keep your hands away from your curls as much as possible.

    FAQ: How To Style Permed Hair In The First 48 Hours

    What should I do in the first 48 hours with a perm?
    During the first 48 hours after getting a perm, it’s essential to run away, getting your hair wet, tucking it behind your ears, or use any hair products to allow the perm to set correctly.
    How can I style my hair immediately after a perm?
    Immediately after perm, it is best to air-dry your hair and avoid using heat styling tools. You can gently shape your curls using your fingers.
    Will my perm loosen up after 2 days?
    Perms tend to relax a bit after a few days, so don’t be surprised if your curls look a little loose after about two days. They should still hold their shape but may not be firmly attached after perm.
    Can I color my hair 2 days after a perm?
    Dining on your hair immediately after getting a perm is generally not recommended. It is best to wait at least a week or two to allow your hair to recover from the chemical process involved in both dyeing and coloring. Consult your stylist for a personalized consultation.
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